The following fees may be assessed against your account and the following transaction limitations, if any, apply to your account.
Schedule of Services and Fees
Type | Amount |
Non-Bank ATM Fee | $1.50 |
Debit Replacement Card | $5.00 |
Cashier’s Check-Customer | $5.00 |
Cashier’s Check-Non Customer | $10.00 |
Collection Incoming or Outgoing | no |
Foreign | $45.00 |
Domestic | $25.00 |
Drafts | $30.00 |
Garnishments/Levies/Subpoenas | $100.00 |
Returned Item Fee by check, in person withdrawal or ACH | $35.00 |
Night Deposit Bag with Key | $20.00 |
Notary Fee | No Charge |
Online Banking | No Charge |
Online Bill Payment | $5.00 |
Online Bill Pay (per item over fifteen) | $0.38 |
Overdraft Fee by check, in person withdrawal or ACH | $35.00 |
Printed Checks | Varies |
Stop Payment | $35.00 |
Wire Transfer-Domestic, Incoming | $5.00 |
Wire Transfer-International, Incoming | $10.00 |
WireTransfer-Domestic, Outgoing | $25.00 |
Wire Transfer-International, Outgoing | $45.00 |
On us check cashing for non-customers | $5.00 |
Monthly Debit Card Fee | $2.00 |
Excess Activity Fee- more than 6 Savings Account withdrawals per statement cycle | $10.00/each |
Bookkeeping Services
Type | Amount |
Research per hour (one hour minimum) | $25.00 |
Statement Balancing per hour (one hour minimum) | $25.00 |
Business Checking
Type | Amount |
Monthly Account Maintenance | $15.00 |
Check/Debit (per item) | $0.15 |
Deposit | $ 0.20 |
Deposited Item | $ 0.10 |
Return Item Fee by check, in person withdrawal or ACH | $35.00 |
Stop Payment | $35.00 |
Wire-Domestic Incoming | $ 5.00 |
Wire-International Incoming | $10.00 |
Wire Transfer-Domestic Outgoing | $25.00 |
Wire Transfer-International Outgoing | $45.00 |
Monthly Debit Card Fee | $2.00 |